Whether it’s on Sunday morning in a sanctuary or in a small group in one of our meeting rooms, Unitarian Universalists come to worship for many reasons: we long to be inspired, comforted, changed, opened, challenged, loved, forgiven, lifted up, seen, connected, or filled with wonder, among other needs.
We hope all who take part in our services find something thought-provoking and inspiring, whether their doorway to worship is through moving music, rituals like our chalice lighting, intellectual readings or meditation.
Theme Based Ministry
At the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville we practice a ministry based on monthly themes. This helps create multi-generational connections as people of all ages explore common themes in age-appropriate ways. Theme-based ministry extends faith development beyond Sunday morning. Families and friends can continue the conversation in the car ride home or over the dinner table; small groups meeting during the week outside of Sunday services can go deeper with the theme.
Some of those opportunities include Chalice Circles (small group ministries), Circle Suppers, and Spiritual Growth & Development classes for all ages.
On a Sunday
Our Sunday Service begins at 11am and usually ends around noon. Everyone is welcome. To get a sense of what it will be like, check out our FAQ for visitors.
Recordings of Sunday Sermons
We do post audios of previous sermons. The archives are a living collection we invite you to explore.
Music is an integral part of worship at UUFF, whether the mood is joyous, or contemplative. Learn more about music as worship.
Weddings, Child dedications, Memorial Services
At UUFF, we are honored to join with you as you celebrate and mark the moments of your life. Whether you are looking to be married, dedicate or name your child, or celebrate the life and mourn the death of someone you have lost, we are here to help.