The UUFF congregation values uplifting, stimulating worship services. Our Sunday services provide an opportunity for congregants with a wide spectrum of beliefs, interests, and backgrounds to worship together and rejoice in our spiritual connectedness and shared values.
Service starts at 11:00 am
Please consider visiting us for Sunday morning worship. Each Sunday, members and friends of UUFF gather for worship, religious exploration, and to connect with community. Our worship times are known to be inspiring, thought provoking, spiritually nourishing, filled with great and diverse music, and relevant to what is going on in the wider world. We look forward to meeting you!
Child Care is available 10am – 12pm
Every Sunday we also have:
- Adult Meditation – 9am-10:45am
- Children’s Religious Exploration – 10am-10:45am
- Adult Religious Exploration – 10am-10:45am
- Coffee Hour – noon-1pm
Below are some frequently asked questions about both Sundays and our fellowship.
Where are you?
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville is located at 901 W. Cleveland St., Fayetteville, AR, 72701. Our location page has detailed directions, a map, and parking instructions.
What happens when I arrive?
Upon entering the front doors, you will be warmly welcomed by one of our Sunday morning greeters. Straight ahead are the kitchen and gender-neutral restrooms. On your left you will find the sanctuary. The classrooms and nursery, as well as additional restrooms, are downstairs.
If you have any accessibility concerns or questions about where to go next our greeters are happy to help.
Please stop by our Welcome Table, located in the foyer, to fill out a name tag and connect with one our members who will answer any questions you might have. We invite you to fill out a visitor’s card if you would like to; among other things, this will get you on our mailing list for our weekly events email.
Will I be welcome?
We are a religiously diverse community and we welcome folks from all religious, economic, gender, and cultural/ethnic backgrounds. We learn and evolve towards peace together.
We strive to be an inclusive and accessible congregation. Visit our accessibility page for more information.
UUFF is a certified “Welcoming Congregation,” which means we work to honor everyone’s humanity; their story, their origins, and their worth and dignity no matter ethnicity, sexuality, gender, abilities, or economic class.
What happens during the Sunday Service?
Many Unitarian Universalist worship services, ours included, each in its own way, follow this general outline:
At a typical service, you will experience:
- Call to worship and lighting the chalice
- Hymns and performed music
- Sharing joys and concerns
- A moment of reflection
- “Time for all ages” in which children are invited to sit in the front of the sanctuary and participate in the service
- Offering to either support local agencies doing good in the community or to support the life of the congregation – as guests, we invite you to let the offering basket pass you by
- Sermon by one of our ministers, lay leaders, or an invited guest.
- Unison benediction as the chalice is extinguished.
You can follow this link to listen to recordings of past UUFF sermons.
What do I wear?
Wear whatever makes you comfortable, from nice casual to “Sunday best.” On any given Sunday you might see congregants wearing blue jeans and t-shirts; dresses; slacks with a polo or dress shirt with or without tie; or a suit. Don’t be surprised to see a child dressed in full princess regalia or super hero outfit. Business casual is always a safe bet.
As a courtesy to those with allergies and asthma, please wear little or no fragrance.
Will I be asked to give?
Giving is a matter of the heart. In many services the congregation is given the opportunity to participate in an offering, but no one is ever put on the spot. Each month , we “share the plate” with a local nonprofit which receives all cash donations from that service.
If you’re new, feel free to pass the plate to the next person and you’ve no reason to feel awkward.
Do you have child and nursery care?
UUFF offers on-site childcare every Sunday from 9:45am until the service is over at approximately 12:00pm.
Our Childcare Coordinator is Liz Rathburn, whom you will find in the nursery or kids playroom most Sundays. A paid childcare employee or a volunteer assists Liz to ensure that there are two people supervising the children at all times.
Snacks and drinks are not typically offered to the children but if you have any dietary concerns, please bring them to the attention of the Childcare staff. If your child requires snacks for the times they will be participating in childcare, please pack snacks and notify childcare staff.
The nursery is available from 9:45am-12:00pm for children ages 0-5.
The Kids Playroom is available from 11am-12pm for children ages 5-10.
Children are always welcome at the 11:00 service; so if you’d prefer to have them in the sanctuary with you, please feel free!
Supervised childcare ends after the 11:00 service is over at Noon. If, during coffee hour, your children would like to remain in the classroom area to draw or read books, they are welcome to do so, but please know that the Fellowship does not provide supervision during this time. If your children are too young to be unsupervised, please have a parent accompany them.
Do you have a social hour?
Yes! We call it coffee hour!
After services, we invite you to join us for our coffee hour in the lobby.
We offer fair trade coffee and tea – one of our good works justice projects – while enjoying conversation and connection with members, friends, and newcomers.