When it feels like oppression has a chokehold on freedom and diversity, that’s when we must stand up, center marginalized voices, and make visible those told to be invisible by people in power. Join Ben and Rev. Renée as we welcome everyone to the UUFF table. We will also introduce and officially welcome UUFF’s newest members with a special ceremony led by Rev. Renée, Charlotte, LeAnda, and Edith! REMINDER: Daylight Savings Time Begins this weekend. We will “Spring Forward” an hour for Sunday morning.
You can attend service in person at the fellowship building or view it remotely online via Facebook Live Stream. To attend live via Facebook, wait until 11am Central Standard Time (CST) and go to https://www.facebook.com/share/1A8P39V9ib/ and click on “Watch Live Video. A Facebook account is not required for viewing.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.