As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm a free and responsible search for truth and meaning that extends throughout our lives. We recognize that our individual needs, hopes, and beliefs may change as life changes us. Our programs are a set of planned activities that enable people who share a sense of spirituality, similar values, with diverse religious backgrounds to work together for spiritual awakening and faith development for the purpose of religious growth.
Adult RE Program Overview:
- Introductions to new ideas and experiences
- Opportunities for people to tell their own stories
- A deepening understanding of Unitarian Universalism
- Encounters with wisdom from the Sources of our living Unitarian Universalist tradition — direct experience, words and deeds of prophetic people, the world’s religions, Jewish and Christian traditions, humanist teachings and the guidance of reason, and spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions
- Engagement with ethical and moral questions
Current Offerings
Adult Religious Exploration
Our Adult Religious Exploration (ARE) discussion group is held weekly before Sunday service. It is a facilitated conversation where lively conversation and sharing of personal experience is encouraged.
There is no need to sign up, just drop in from 10:00 – 10:45 am in the main building downstairs. Nursery care is available in the main during this time as well.
The upcoming topic is announced in our weekly UUFFeNews. Sign up for the emails here.
Small Group Ministry
Our Chalice Circles offer a chance to go deeper. The group will take turns talking about the topic of that week or month. The circles are a great opportunity to get to know others and yourself better.
We meditate each Sunday from 9am to 10:30am, followed by a short reading and discussion until 10:45am.
It doesn’t matter what type of meditation you do, or if you have ever meditated before. We invite you to come meditate with us via Zoom.
All are welcome.
Are you new to Unitarian Universalism? We offer classes so you can get to know what UU is all about, as well as learn about our own fellowship.
Special opportunities
You may find unique RE events show up from time to time, as well. Keep up with these through our events feed or in our weekly email.