Participating in our fellowship community offers the opportunity for connection, caring, friendship, and adds a deeper dimension to spiritual practice.
We value and support each other through opportunities to both give and receive care, we develop treasured connections by gathering together for celebration and fun.
And if you don’t see the group you are looking for and have an idea, we want to hear from you! Contact us with your idea and information.
Circle Suppers
Circle Suppers are a great way to socialize and meet new members and friends outside of church. Participants gather in small groups and share a meal together in one another’s homes. They are typically held once a month. Newcomers are always welcome!
Chalice Circles
What happens at Chalice Circles or “Covenant Groups”? At these gatherings, there will be a chalice lighting, then the group will take turns talking about the topic of that week. The circles are a great opportunity to get to know others and yourself better.
ARE Mindful Discussion Group
Our Adult Religious Exploration (ARE) discussion group is held weekly before Sunday service. It is a facilitated conversation where lively conversation and sharing of personal experience is encouraged.
There is no need to sign up, just drop in downstairs, from 10am – 10:45am. Childcare is available during this time as well.
Web of Life
Web of Life is a Pagan group affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville (UUFF). We are named for the 7th principle of Unitarian Universalism: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
We come together to provide a safe and supportive atmosphere in which Pagan congregants and friends are able to express their spirituality of Paganism alongside their spirituality of Unitarian Universalism. Web of Life provides a space that promotes a free and responsible search for personal truth and meaning, based in both science and mysticism, for Pagans and seekers within the UUFF and the wider community.
Web of Life typically meets once a month after the service in the sanctuary. Contact the office (uuff.ar@gmail.com) to be put in touch with current group leads.
Young Adults Living and Learning. A group for young Unitarian Universalist people ages 18 to 35 to discuss, share, connect, give, and learn through community projects, spiritual and philosophical discussion, and social gatherings.
The group is looking for an ideal day/time for regular meetings, and they will be put on the main UUFF calendar when decided upon. For now, the Facebook site is best to keep up with scheduling.
We meditate each Sunday from 9am to 10:30am, followed by a short reading and discussion until 10:45am. All are welcome.
Writing as a Spiritual Practice
Meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, from 7-8:30pm. Please email Sue at starbrst@cox.net for details and directions. All are welcome!
Women’s Drumming Group
Meets weekly on Mondays 5-8pm.
Past Groups
In the past we’ve had groups such as a Women’s Wisdom Circle, Book Clubs, Men’s group, a knitting circle, Interweave (LGBTQIA+), and a yUUth group.
Are you interested in starting or reviving a group? Contact us!