Circle supper potlucks are a great way to meet and build relationships with UUFF members. We encourage new members as well as anyone seriously considering becoming a member to sign up. (This is an adult-only event. The family friendly potluck is called Family Feasts).
Circle suppers generally take place at the home of a UUFF member. Most take place on a date (typically a Saturday) that’s jointly selected by the host and guests. But sometimes a host will get creative and organize a brunch, instead of a supper, or a meet up at a restaurant instead of their home. Groups re-shuffle each month, so you have the opportunity to get to know more people.
At present, Circle Suppers happen monthly from Jan/Feb through October. Each month, you’ll have the opportunity to opt out before the dinner party groupings are organized.
Please fill out the following form at your earliest convenience and Rebecca Bryant, Circle Supper lead, will be in touch!
If you have specific questions, please see Rebecca Bryant.