Join Renée as we go a little deeper into meditation and ask the question- can mindfulness boost our immune system?!
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
Your NWA home for a liberal religion
by Fawn Smith
Join Renée as we go a little deeper into meditation and ask the question- can mindfulness boost our immune system?!
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
Rev. Steven speaks about the present and future of Unitarian Universalism, drawing from discussions and decisions at the recent UUA General Assembly. Good things are happening, and this is a great time to be a Unitarian Universalist!
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
The last few years have not been easy. In this moment, when so many of us might be wondering if we should just give up, now’s the time to double down on our commitment to the local church – this unique community that saves us and also breaks our hearts – often much more of the latter than we’d like to admit. In the midst of our culture of death, the church is a place of life. Or it is, as long as we are willing to bring our own lives to it. Join us for a morning of celebration, witness, and future-visioning for the already and not yet power of the local Unitarian Universalist church. The sermon is given by Rev. Gretchen Haley, senior minister of the Foothills Unitarian Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. Others leading in worship are Rev. Shari Halliday-Quan, Rev. Sean Neil-Barron, Joseph and Aimee Santos-Lyons, and Allison King with the GA Band and GA Choir. This is a pre-recorded service put together by the UUA.
Follow this link to watch the UUA service on YouTube.
by Fawn Smith
What elements make for a meaningful life? And how is the stress of the current social and political climates a unique opportunity for enhancing the quality of our lives?
Speaker Info: Dr. Doug Krueger is a professor of Philosophy and World Religions at NWACC. He has spoken at UUFF annually for several years in a row, and it is always a pleasure to take in his calm spirit, unique perspective, and wealth of knowledge.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
Special guest D’Andre Jones (click here to read bio) speaks about the very important federal holiday of “Juneteenth,” which was established in commemoration of the emancipation of enslaved black people in the United States. D’Andre emphasizes how Juneteenth is so much more than a celebration. It’s a call for equity, justice, and empowerment!
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
The 2022 UUFF Pride Service! Our band and choir provides lively, encouraging music, and Rev. Steven’s message feeds the flames of our Pride, redefining faith and reframing the phrase “Queer AF.”
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
Melly recounts the biblical story of the falling of the Holy Spirit on the new church, a brief history of the Pentecostal Movement in the United States, and provides a UU view of incorporating this story into our lives.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
What is Unitarianism? What is Universalism? Those terms have had different definitions, and Unitarian Universalism is more than one plus the other. Join us as Rev. Dr. Steven Gaines leads us in an exploration of the breadth and depth of UU identity.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
In this graduation season, Rev. Dr. Steven Gaines will help us reflect on “graduations” in life, endings and beginnings.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
This Fellowship is a brilliant garden of diverse flowers (y’all)! Bring a flower to service, take home a different flower, and experience our annual flower communion! This Sunday is also Choir Sunday! It’s been a while, and all are invited to come enjoy singing, music, and flowers! Led by Renée Janski and Gene Vinzant.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
Each of us is growing older; there’s no escaping it! The inevitability of aging is full of surprises, some joyful, and some utterly unacceptable. What do we, as Unitarian Universalists, need to know about the elderly experience, and how can we live into our values together to support those at this stage of life? Join us as Rev. Sue Coppernoll speaks to us on this important topic.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
With guest speaker, Melisa Laelan! This service brings attention to the defining issue of our time, climate change and particularly climate justice. Yale Climate Connections tells us that “Climate justice is a term, and more than that a movement, that acknowledges climate change can have differing social, economic, public health, and other adverse impacts on underprivileged populations. Advocates for climate justice are striving to have these inequities addressed head-on through long-term mitigation and adaptation strategies.” As UU’s, our seventh principle is Respect for the Interdependent Web of Existence, of which we are a part. Climate change is a threat to our interdependent web, and as such this UUFF service acknowledges how the climate crisis is affecting our daily lives and mental health. Most gratefully, we hear from Melisa Laelan, Director and Founder of the Arkansas Coalition of Marshallese, who shares from her experience of climate change and its disproportionate impact on the Marshallese community. We share some ways the UUFF community is making a difference toward mitigation and adaptation, as well as possibilities for our future efforts. Join us as we reflect on where we are, what we can do and how we can support one another in our current and continuing climate crisis.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Fayetteville
901 W. Cleveland St.
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Our mission as a diverse faith community is to promote justice and service while seeking personal and spiritual growth.
Learn More about UUFF.
Newcomer, Seeker, or Just Curious?
We invite you to visit our fellowship.
Offered at UUFF:
Main Service at 11 AM
Adult Religious Exploration Discussion Group – 10am (in downstairs common room)
Children’s Religious Exploration Class – 10am (in classroom downstairs)
Youth Religious Exploration Class – 10am (in classroom downstairs)
Meditation Group – 9am (via zoom only-continues through summer)
Nursery care (downstairs) is available each Sunday during the 11am Service and during the 10am Religious Exploration hour.
(479) 521-8422
Join us on Facebook
Weekday Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10am-2pm