Childcare is available each Sunday for children 0-10 years of age. We have a wonderful childcare team, Liz Rathburn is our Childcare Coordinator, and she brings with her a plethora of relevant experience and education and Noah Davis is our Senior Childcare Assistant.
During the summer Religious Exploration break, childcare is still available during the 11am Worship Service (10:45am-12pm). When the 10am Religious Exploration hour comes back into session in September, the hours extend to cover that time as well (9:45am-12pm).
Every child who is participates in UUFF Childcare must be officially registered beforehand. Parents/guardians may fulfill this requirement by simply filling out a registration form in the Nursery before dropping their child(ren) off for the first time. Please be aware that only the adults specifically listed on the registration form will be allowed to pick up their child(ren). Questions? Email the Operations Manager, Christina Maples.