All that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity – Shakespeare. Join us this Sunday to talk about it.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
Your NWA home for a liberal religion
by Fawn Smith
All that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity – Shakespeare. Join us this Sunday to talk about it.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
Another name for “Critical Race Theory” is “ACTUAL American History.” Let’s learn more from an expert, Melodie Griffis, sociology educator.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
by Fawn Smith
WALK WITH US is a music video created by artists around the country, expressing the initial horror of the George Floyd murder and encouraging continued conversation and advocacy toward change. Join us as we meet to discuss the video and contemplate the issues together. Special Guests joining us: Willa Moore, singer/songwriter, creator of WALK WITH US, Chicago; Kristin Phantazia Smith, WWU Community Liaison, Little Rock; Kym Franklin, gospel arrangements, Atlanta.
Post-Service Additions: CLICK HERE to watch the WALK WITH US video, and CLICK HERE to view a list of the 12 Action Steps you can take to help make this world a better place.
by Fawn Smith
You’re invited to join us this Sunday as we officially welcome our new minister, Rev. Dr. Steven Gaines. We will have a ritual of appointment, and Rev. Steven will speak about change.
To view the Order of Service, CLICK HERE.
Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Fayetteville
901 W. Cleveland St.
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Our mission as a diverse faith community is to promote justice and service while seeking personal and spiritual growth.
Learn More about UUFF.
Newcomer, Seeker, or Just Curious?
We invite you to visit our fellowship.
Offered at UUFF:
Main Service at 11 AM
Adult Religious Exploration Discussion Group – 10am (in downstairs common room)
Children’s Religious Exploration Class – 10am (in classroom downstairs)
Youth Religious Exploration Class – 10am (in classroom downstairs)
Meditation Group – 9am (via zoom only-continues through summer)
Nursery care (downstairs) is available each Sunday during the 11am Service and during the 10am Religious Exploration hour.
(479) 521-8422
Join us on Facebook
Weekday Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10am-2pm