Led by Rev. Jim Parrish. Liberal religion views the miracle stories around Jesus as window dressings, the transient vs. the permanent message of love, tolerance, and faithfulness. How might Jesus, or any prophet of love and humanity, handle a global pandemic? Join us Sunday for “Pandemic Jesus” and other stories.
Archives for March 2021
March 28 – “Beyond Palm Sunday: Picking Up Our Coats.”
Melly will lead us in a service about what happens after inspirational gatherings, our personal integrity and responsibilities, and our covenant with others as Unitarian Universalists.
March 21 – “Return of Spring, Return of Hope.”
Spring time, a year since our first online-only Covid Service, carries with it a return of Hope. We’ll celebrate the seasonal return of life, respecting how fragile it can be.
March 14 – “UU Foundations: Covenant vs. Creed.”
Speaker Renée Janski, in her quirky and innovative way, will lead us in a polity deep-dive and exploration into how Unitarian Universalism is different from other denominations and religions!
CLICK HERE to view the order of service.
March 7 – “Welcoming the Spirit: New Member Welcome & Choir Sunday!”
This Sunday is all about Roots, Wings, and Welcome! UUFF is a home to liberal religionists in NWA, and we’ll celebrate this joyful fact by welcoming New Members during this Sunday’s service! Renée Janski, Music Director, will also debute two new UUFF virtual choir pieces – “This House Is Yours” and “Spirit of Life,” which opens us up to our sermon, centered around how we (both together and as individuals) become the Roots and Wings of the Fellowship.
CLICK HERE to view the Order of Service.