Max Picard, in his classic book, “The World of Silence,” says, “The human spirit requires silence just as much as the body needs food and oxygen.” This service will focus on relaxation, meditation, and peace through calming words and music. Led by Marty Faitak.
Archives for December 2019
Dec 29 – Healing Bowl Ceremony
Endings and new beginnings, led by Melly and Renée Janski
No Audio
Dec 22 – Winter Solstice Celebration
Led by Rev. Jim Parrish and Renée Janski. UUFF Choir will sing and drum to celebrate the returning light!
Dec 15 – Scriptures for the Season
We are surrounded by religious and secular seasonal celebrations this time of year, with a lot of meaning for some, and little for others depending on traditions and belief. Scriptures, or texts that contain/explain beliefs and philosophies important to how one lives their life play into and inform these celebrations. There are obvious, and not so obvious scriptures for Christmas, Hanukkah, and even Solstice celebration. What are your scriptures for life? Bring your book, or poem, the title of your “scripture” for living to share.
Dec 8: Making Ready: A Season of Anticipation and Preparation.
Led by Melly, with Christmas jazz by RJ, Mike, and Renée and carols for all! Please bring an ornament or two to help decorate our gathering space. We will share the plate with Peace at Home Shelter.
Sharing the Plate: Each year Peace at Home works with hundreds of survivors of violence in our community as they work to rebuild their lives. Loose collection plate money and specially-designated cash/checks (please write “share plate” on envelope or check memo line) will be given to this valuable local organization. For more information,