Led by Rev. Jim Parrish. Join us as we entertain this possibility.
Archives for October 2019
Oct 27: Service of Remembrance
Led by Rev. Jim Parrish. Attendees were invited to bring a photo or memento of someone (pets are people, too!) you have lost and wish to hold in your heart during this very special time of year. An altar was set up for placement of the items, so that we could all share in the special remembrance, as a community of love and support.
Oct 20: Earthship UU
Our stewardship of UUFF is a voyage to the future. Service led by Rev. Jim Parrish.
Oct 13: The Death of Labor Liberalism
Led by guest speaker, Dr. Michael Pierce. More info on Dr. Pierce can be found here.
Oct 6: The True Creation Story.
Religion is about our relationships, and the stories we tell ourselves about those relationships matter. There are many creation stories, as many as religions and some even scientific in nature, informing folks of what their relationship with the world/universe might look like.
Led by Rev. Jim Parrish, we explored some of the meanings and outcomes of “Creation Stories.”
Sept 29: Journey to the Southern Border
First-hand accounts from the border shared by NWA women who have traveled to help at a refugee shelter in Deming, NM. Listen to Felicia Ramos, Jennifer June Burleigh, Shannon Stocks, and Michelle Cutrer-Boggess tell their stories.